Free Choice Hay Myths For The IR Horse

The new bandwagon for feeding Insulin Resistant horses seems to be free choice hay feeding.  The rationale to this thinking is that horses who are deprived of food access are being fed unnaturally, and this is a stressor that causes excessive cortisol release, causing...

Crazy Carrot Sale

3- day sale for our facebook friends!! Today through the end of Monday, our carrot flavor treats are on sale. Made with small bits of organic carrots, these are a delicious way for your carrot lover’s to get their low sugar, low carb “fix”!! We are...

Parasite article by Dr. Kellon

Worming Strategies –         Dr. Eleanor Kellon, VMD, Staff Veterinary Specialist for Uckele Health & Nutrition One of the most confusing aspects of horse ownership can be sorting out deworming plans.  It’s important to remember that all horses are at risk...

OOPS, 3 too many 3lb Apple Bags!

Craig my wonder baker just called to say he had baked 3 too many 3lb Apple bags, so for the first 3 customers to order them will get $3.00 off each bag, (or if one quick customer wants all three, they can get all three).  Use code  applesale   at checkout to get the...